
Three Family Courts

Which three courts that hear family law cases?

  • Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) 
  • Family Court Branch of the Superior Court of Justice (also known as Unified Family Court (UFC)) 
  • Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) all hear family law cases.
The Unified Family Court is a combination of the OCJ and the Superior Court of Justice (provincial and federal jurisdiction). They have specialized judges who hear all matters related to family law. If a region does not have a unified court, family matters are heard in the Superior Court of Justice or OCJ depending on the claims being made.


What matters in family law does the Ontario Court of Justice (OCJ) hear? 

The Family Law Act, Children’s Law Reform Act, and Child Support Guidelines are the main relevant family law legislation used in OCJ.

The OCJ hears family cases:

  • child protection
  • child adoption
  • child and spousal support
  • enforcing support orders
  • parenting time and decision-making responsibility
  • restraining orders
  • contact
  • It does NOT hear divorce or property cases. 

What matters in family law does the Superior Court of Justice (SCJ) hear?

The SCJ deals with:

  • divorce
  • parenting time and decision-making responsibility
  • property division
  • Matrimonial house
  • Support
  • Appeals of child protection matters and adoption-related issues 

What matters does the Family Court Branch of the Superior Court of Justice hear?

These courts can hear all family law matters including divorce, parenting time, decision-making responsibility, division of property, adoption, and child protection.

What are the two most referenced statutes in Family Law cases?

The 2 most important statutes referenced in family law cases are the Divorce Act and the Family Law Act.

Do these acts fall under provincial or federal jurisdiction?

The Divorce Act is federal legislation while the Family Law Act is provincial legislation.

What matters are under federal jurisdiction?

The following matters fall under federal jurisdiction:

  • Divorce
  • Property Division
  • Parenting.
  • Child support.
  • Spousal support.

What matters are under provincial jurisdiction?

The following matters fall under provincial jurisdiction

  • Parenting.
  • Child support.
  • Spousal support.

Note, however, that under federal law, the Superior Court of Justice has sole jurisdiction in all cases involving divorce and the division of property, Under provincial law, child protection and adoption must be commenced in Ontario Court of Justice. Also, if your case involves children, it must be started in the municipality your child lives in.

If you are getting divorced and there are parenting and/or support claims, which legislation governs? 

In this case, the Divorce Act governs, since divorce is a federal matter. The Divorce Act deals with family law issues in federal court such the dissolution of a marriage, parenting, and support issues.

If a claim for parenting and/or support while the marriage continues, which legislation governs?

In this case, the Family Law Act governs. The Family Law Act deals with division of property and support and the Children’s Law Reform Act deals with parenting.



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